Better Health is a Phone Call Away-Online Consultations Now Available

online consultation

I’m now offering online consultations and consultations by phone for your specific concerns. I’m so excited I can barely contain it! Better health without leaving the comfort of your home. I wanted to let you in on the new service I’m now offering. It’s always exciting to me to help people and this new service will let me help more!

Expert Advice is a Phone Call Away

Having worked in dentistry for over 15 years I’m well aware that seeing a dental professiophone consultationnal is often something that you put off until you have no choice. I’m also aware that this is the cause of small issues becoming big ones. What if you could have a consultation without leaving your home? What if you could pick up the phone or send an email and get expert advice? I’m now offering phone consultations to people who want to arm themselves with the knowledge that I have spent almost 20 years learning. You have the power to prevent poor health. I am a tooth decay and mouth disease prevention specialist. I can’t undo past damage but we can stop it from continuing and problem solve your causes and risk factors. Most of this is accomplished by you at home. What worked for your friend is not necessarily right for you. You need the tools and resources that are best for you and your individual condition. You are in control of your health.

What are your mouth concerns?

Whether you are a new mom and want to know how you can prevent cavities and have your little one grow up cavity free. Maybe you want to know how you can get rid of tooth sensitivity or if you should whiten your teeth? How about how often should you clean your dentures, or even why your gums bleed? You now have an opportunity to ask an expert with no obligation. One phone conversation will determine how I can help you.

Planned Prevention

You’ve heard of a nutrition plan, workout plan or a life plan. If you are interested you can choose to have me design a customized care plan including diet and habit modifications that you can implement to improve your health going forward. There is a little more to mouth health than brushing and flossing did you know that when you brush is sometimes just as important as if you brush? I can let you in on the simple things that you can do to promote your best health ever! I can make recommendations for products available over the counter that fit your lifestyle and preferences and help you decide if you need to seek treatment. Health and wellness can be simple once you have a plan. I want to help you find better health and help you stay out of your dentist’s chair! Or you can continue to do the same things and experience the same problems.

Choose to be in control of your health! Send me a message with your name, phone number and specific concern and we will schedule your call. Or call me for details 519-736-1100.Happy-People

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Childhood Tooth Decay-Decay is Preventable

When I drop my kids off at daycare and see the children “snacking” on juice and froot loops the hygienist in me cringes. The mom in me knows what it’s like trying to get my 2 and 4 year old to eat let alone eat healthy. But I know it’s worth the effort. I intend to do my best to raise two healthy and decay free children.I know not everything is in my control but I’ve seen the result of letting the children choose what they want instead of what they need. I would eat gummy bears instead of vegetables too if I didn’t know better.

Tooth decay is an infectious disease that is 99% PREVENTABLE. There is no reason for decay rates to be higher now than they ever have been. But it seems like they are. Modern diets that include processed foods and refined sugar are compromising years of education and advances. Hospitals are regularly sedating children and toddlers for tooth issues. It shouldn’t be happening. Parents need to know how to prevent decay and take responsibility for their children’s health.

Prior to becoming a dental hygienist I was an assistant in a busy oral surgery practice in Thunder Bay Ontario. I assisted the oral and maxillofacial surgeon during surgery on children and adults alike. Adult surgery was mainly performed for procedures like extraction of wisdom teeth, placing implants, and jaw surgeries. Let’s just say surgery on children was much harder for me. Surgery for children was primarily due to rampant tooth decay also know as Early Childhood Caries. These children had decay so extreme the teeth required extraction. In order to extract teeth on children under 5 stages of decayyears old they often require sedation. Sedation alone is a health risk particularly on a child so young. But following the surgery they are missing teeth that will not be erupting for in some cases years. There is nothing more sad than extracting baby teeth.

Why are baby teeth important?

Baby teeth are very important there is a reason they are there. They allow a child to eat. They hold space and act as a guide for erupting adult teeth. They contribute to developing speech patterns. They also contribute to healthy self esteem. Children who have decay are often uncomfortable or in pain. This has been found to hinder their development and even school performance. And if the habits and diet that caused the decay in the baby teeth don’t change the adult teeth are going to decay exactly the same way. Not fun.

How to prevent tooth decay.

How can you prevent tooth decay? Don’t share eating utensils or toothbrushes with your child. The bacteria that causes decay is transmissible from adult to child. As soon as they have teeth brush them. Even breast milk can cause decay if it sits in the mouth long enough. As soon as there are two teeth start flossing. Yes they might hate it, most adults hate it. It’s not easy but a filling or extraction will be harder. Take your child to a dental professional around the age of one. Don’t wait until you think there is a problem. Use the resources available to you and your children. Early intervention helps us to help you establish the healthy habits that will help your child be decay free for their lifetime. We want to prevent or intervene before problems arise prevent painful or traumatic procedures. Professional fluoride applications and Sealants are highly effective and safe for kids with moderate to high decay risk. These are not expensive procedures. Fillings and extractions are. Embrace Dental Hygiene offers a complimentary Little Smiles visit for kids under 5, the health unit does complimentary screening as well. Can’t afford care? Call your health unit your children may be eligible for Healthy Smiles.

You are a parent not a dental hygienist, doctor, or nutritionist. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Ask for help. That’s what we are here for.

I can not stress enough-Avoid Sugar

Children should not have any beverage on demand besides WATER! Avoid juice fresh or frozen or watered down its still too much sugar. Chocolate milk, even plain milk can be cariogenic. Offer milk at mealtimes. Soft drinks should be outlawed in my opinion up to 40 tsp in one can? Yuck! That’s 10 times the recommended daily amount in one beverage. Sugar in a liquid form is the worst thing for a child health wise and for their developing teeth. sugar

Children should be consuming less than 25g or 4 tsp of sugar a day according to the World Health Organization. The WHO also says that “Much of the sugars consumed today are “hidden” in processed foods that are not usually seen as sweets. For example, 1 tablespoon of ketchup contains around 4 grams (around 1 teaspoon) of free sugars. A single can of sugar-sweetened soda contains up to 40 grams (around 10 teaspoons) of free sugars.” Reading a label can be difficult as manufacturers don’t always call sugar sugar. Click here to see some other names manufacturers may use.

Bottom Line-Cavities Don’t Just Happen

Tooth decay doesn’t just tooth decayhappen. It requires four things a susceptible surface (teeth), bacteria (it’s there in everyone’s mouth), food for the bacteria (sugars- natural and refined the bacteria isn’t picky), and time. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body it just requires some care and some knowledge to stay that way.

I hear people say they have bad teeth, my kids have bad teeth or it’s genetics. There are no such thing as bad teeth. If you or your child regularly experience decay you need to change your diet or oral hygiene habits or both. The same requirements exist for every cavity to form. Some people have more of the bacteria that contributes to decay yes. This just means that the cavities occur faster and you need to work harder to prevent it. But with some effort and help it is still avoidable. There are also products like fluoride, xylitol, probiotics and calcium phosphate out there to increase your family’s resistance to decay. The same way you take vitamins to avoid sickness, or to boost immune function. Consult with your dental professional to find out if these products could help you prevent cavities. Use the resources available in your dental health professionals. Dental hygienists are your partner’s in prevention. Our primary function is to educate and to help you prevent disease and decay. Kids shouldn’t have cavities. Questions or comments? email [email protected] or call 519-736-1100

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Teeth Cleaning @ Embrace Dental Hygiene

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Teeth Cleaning @ Embrace Dental Hygiene
Cleaning teeth is not really about teeth! It’s about better health. 
 Are you in search of better health? Have you had your oral health assessed and your teeth cleaned recently? You should. It may be what’s missing. Without professional mouth care you may have an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria. This bacteria can keep you from achieving your best health. Oral disease is often not visible to the untrained eye and commonly does not have any symptoms. That’s why everyone needs to see a oral healthcare provider regularly.
 Seeing a Registered Dental Hygienist like me can help you achieve your best health. Let’s face it, clean healthy teeth look fabulous and feel amazing but we don’t clean teeth for that reason. The beauty benefit of teeth cleaning is secondary tteeth bacteriao disease prevention and health promotion.
How lucky am I? As a hygienist my job is to help people be healthy and beautiful.
Dental hygiene care can be most important care your mouth and your body will receive. It’s just as important as going to your doctor if not more. It will ensure the foundation of your mouth is healthy and that your teeth and the bacteria on them are not contributing to poor overall health or worsening other health conditions.


Teeth cleaning is about better health and overall systemic wellness. Without a healthy mouth you cannot be truly healthy. Everything we need to live comes through our mouth. Food, air, water… If your mouth is not disease free neither are you. Most of us want to be healthy. But mouth care somehow gets left out. It is an integral part in good health and long life. You need to have a dental health professional on your team. Someone like me who specializes in preventative dental care. Click here to see my services.

Even if you don’t have teeth you have bacteria. Oh yes! If you haven’t had professional mouth care including teeth cleaning or debridement, the teeth, tongue and even the gums can be hiding all kinds of nasty organisms. These bugs are what cause inflammation or swelling of your gums, tooth decay, and bad breath. You’ve heard of  gum disease or gingivitis right? It’s what causes bleeding gums and eventually tooth loss. If your gums bleed you have disease! This is not ok. Bleeding gums are an indication that you need care. You need to see a dental hygienist for treatment. Inflammation is not healthy or normal. Google it! It can contribute to a myriad of systemic health conditions. Diabetes, heart disease, premature birth, arthritis, cancer the list goes on.


How do you know if you have disease?
You don’t! But your hygienist does. That’s our job. If you don’t have bleeding or pain that doesn’t mean you don’t have disease. The only way to be sure your mouth is free of inflammation is to see a dental professional for an assessment. Part of a comprehensive oral assessment includes looking for disease. Dental hygienists like me are trained to diagnose, prevent and treat oral disease. In treating these conditions we are contributing to your best health. We are your partners in disease prevention. We do so much more than clean teeth.
Do you want to be truly healthy? Come see me at Embrace Dental Hygiene. Let me help you achieve your best health and clean your teeth:) 519-736-1100 or [email protected].

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You Don’t Have to Live With Tooth Sensitivity

teeth grinding nightguards

Some simple ways to deal with sensitive teeth. 

sensitive teeth

sensitive teeth

Do you have sensitive teeth? Does it interfere with your enjoyment of foods and activities. You don’t have to live with it. There are many causes of tooth sensitivity so many people suffer needlessly. Some potential causes are: exposed dentin, acid reflux, acidic diets, dry mouth, abrasive products… Nobody should have to live without ice cream. Here are some simple things you can do to reduce or eliminate tooth sensitivity.

  1. avoid whitening products-most whitening toothpastes are abrasive they scratch and thin enamel over time which can lead to sensitivity. Whitening gels or strips have peroxide. Peroxide causes the teeth to be porous in order to effectively lighten them. This increases tooth sensitivity. Using them everyday is a big no no especially if your teeth are already sensitive. If you are interested in whitening and have sensitivity talk to your dental professional. There are options available.
    tooth sensitivity

    tooth sensitivity

  2. Try a desensitizing toothpaste-before you say you have and it didn’t work…Did you follow the instructions? A desensitizing toothpaste works by physically covering the surface of the tooth with either potassium nitrate or arginine. This agent needs to be applied daily to be effective and may require a few days to take effect. Also acid reflux or an acidic diet may interfere with optimal results. If all else fails professionals also have access to professional strength products don’t hesitate to get advice.
  3. Avoid acidic foods and drinks-wine, lemon water, energy drinks etc. Regular consumption of these things thin enamel over time and can lead to or worsen tooth sensitivity.  An untreated gastroesophageal reflux condition or acid reflux will also have the same result. If you have sensitivity or notice a consistent yellowing or darkening of all of the teeth and don’t have an acidic diet see your dental professional or MD. Do not I repeat do not brush after acidic foods or an acidic event like vomiting. The teeth are soft and need time to recover brushing them immediately will only result in loss of more tooth material. Rinse with plain water or baking soda in water to allow time for the pH to return to normal.
  4. Stay hydrated-believe it or not drinking enough water is linked to your mouth health. We need water to produce saliva. Having enough saliva is necessary for the teeth to be healthy and remineralize following acid attacks caused by what we eat. Without it the teeth slowly weaken and break down. Saliva also contains healthy bacteria that fight off viruses and bugs that may make us sick. Drink 2-4 litres of H20 a day depending on environmental conditions and your activity level.
  5.  I know I repeat myself but talk to your dental professional-believe it or not we know a thing or two about teeth:) We also are in the loop on new products or professional treatments that can help you find relief. Small habit or diet changes may solve your problem or your sensitivity may be something that requires professional attention. Avoiding care will just make it worse. Tooth decay or damage caused by grinding both are responsible for sensitivity and get worse without treatment.

Tried all of these things and still suffer? Here at Embrace Dental Hygiene I offer a complimentary consultation that will only take a few minutes. A short survey will eliminate potential causes and address the cause of your sensitivity. We can then determine a course of action that will reduce or eliminate your tooth sensitivity. Treatment is often as simple as appropriate use of an effective desensitizing toothpaste and avoidance of certain foods. But it can be life changing. Call me 519-736-1100 to set up your complimentary consultation today!

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Achieve better health naturally with Embrace Dental Hygiene

holistic dental hygiene

How can you achieve naturally better health? Through your mouth. The mouth is the portal through which we receive all of our life sustaining elements. Air, water and food. Not to mention a necessary part of social activities like speaking and smiling. It requires care like the rest of your body if you want it to be at it’s best. It requires regular maintenance like any other mechanism. What happens to your car if you don’t put oil in it? Your house if you don’t clean it. Things start to break down, don’t work properly and look terrible. If we don’t maintain our oral health we develop disease and decay and eventually start to lose our teeth. The scariest part is you may not even know it is happening. Oral disease can have no symptoms. Decay is preventable, bleeding is not normal and sensitivity can be treated. Neglect is painful and expensive to treat. Prevention is much easier and more cost effective.

Regular mouth care including assessment and teeth cleaning can be all that is needed to help you maintain good health and keep your teeth for a lifetime. It is a natural way to contribute positively your overall health. Dental cleaning eliminates, manages and prevents disease, decay, and tooth loss. It improves the appearance of your teeth and improves your systemic health. Regular mouth exams will help identify issues like oral cancer and potentially other health conditions. I want to help you achieve better health through your mouth.

What sets Embrace Dental Hygiene apart? Each of my clients receives exceptional customized dental care. I am a cleaning and whitening specialist if you will. I provide preventative care such as thorough teeth cleaning, assessment, oral cancer screening, home care plans and nutritional guidance. You receive the benefit of my experience and my commitment to providing the best care for you. My clients do not dread their appointments. I am always available for questions or advice. Call me now for your appointment 519-736-1100. Then you can relax, breath and smile!

Jen Mayhew, RDH

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The Tooth Fairy and Little Smiles

Fun Teeth Factstooth fairy

Did the tooth fairy visit your house as a child? Does she visit your child?

I found this fun website I want to share with you. Want to know how much the tooth fairy leaves for those precious baby teeth? The legend of the tooth fairy can help ease what can be a frightening transition from baby teeth to adult teeth.  Visit the tooth fairy poll and find out how much the tooth fairy leaves now and how much she used to leave for a tooth. Want to know about the legend? Or what other countries and cultures do when their little ones lose a tooth? Visit the legend page and learn all kinds of interesting facts about fairies and other mythical creatures.

Kids Mouth Health

Starting a healthy routine with your little one begins right away. Wiping the gums with a soft cloth, or using a baby safe gum massager at least once a day. This prevents accumulation of milk or formula residue. It will also get your child used to the habit of oral hygiene daily. As soon as the first teeth eruptbaby teeth eruption brushing begins with water or a baby toothpaste. In an area like Amherstburg where the water is not fluoridated and if mom and dad have a history of cavities I recommend use of less than a rice sized amount of regular fluoridated toothpaste. Please don’t allow your toddler to “toddle” with a toothbrush in their mouth. Consider purchasing an infant safe brush like the banana brush or a safety brush pictured below to prevent injury and allow for easy use. As soon as there are two teeth next to one another flossing should begin.

safety toothbrush

To p Infant safe toothbrush

Floss sticks are ideal for kids and easy for parents to use. Avoid sharing toothbrushes, utensils with your baby and don’t “clean” a pacifier with your mouth. The bacteria that causes decay is transmissible from adult to child.

I know it’s difficult and children often don’t cooperate but you as a parent are responsible for their teeth. Helping them to prevent painful or traumatic dental problems is paramount. A few tears will not hurt them, a cavity or a filling will probably will. Trust me eventually they know that you are not going to let them get away without brushing and they will start to take part in the routine. Use a song or a video, even an app like Brusheez tooth timer can help make it fun.

Diet Do’s and Don’ts

stages of decay

Stages of baby bottle decay.

A babies diet is also key to preventing decay. Don’t put your child to bed with a bottle or carry around a sippy cup of anything other than water. Milk is for mealtimes it also contains sugar called lactose that will contribute to decay if they drink it all day. Fruit juice or drinks are not recommended and pop should not be introduced to babies. These sugars in a liquid form are ideal fuel for decay causing bacteria. Decay is preventable and your dental professional can help.

First Dental Visit

Your babies first visit to a dental professional should take place between one and two. We want to ease your child into the necessary routine of assessment and professional cleanings. Check out our No Charge Little Smiles Visit for kids under five. Watch our website for workshops and other helpful hints on how to keep your little ones smiling. Don’t forget I’m here for advice ask me anything I want to help! 519-736-1100 or email🙂 Jen


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Let us help prevent cavities with sealants..

Pit and Fissure Sealants Protect Teeth from Decay

Dental sealants have been applied by dental hygienists for years to protect erupting adult teeth. At Embrace Dental Hygiene we highly recommend placement of sealants on healthy six and twelve year molars. These vulnerable teeth are hard to reach for kids and their caregivers and commonly become decayed. These adult teeth will be in place from about six years of age until… well hopefully forever. A timely placed pit and fissure sealant will help keep the tooth healthy until adulthood. We want to prevent potentially painful and costly procedures.


sealed molar

A dental sealant is designed to fill the deep grooves of the biting surface of a tooth preventing plaque bacteria from sticking and causing decay. A six year old child is often not capable of cleaning these teeth effectively making them high risk for decay.

At Embrace Dental Hygiene in Amherstburg we use Embrace Pit and Fissure Sealant material. We chose this material because it is BPA free and fluoride releasing. Let me help prevent tooth decay! Contact me now to discuss sealant placement for your child!

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Why are you waiting to have your teeth cleaned? A clean smile is a healthy smile!

healthy smile


Don’t wait to schedule your next dental cleaning appointment. Reserve your appointment now at Embrace Dental Hygiene and get a clean healthy smile!

Waiting to be due for your dental cleaning appointment? Why? Because your insurance company says so? Well your insurance company does not have your needs or best interests in mind. Your dental hygienist does. Don’t have insurance? Do you think you have to wait six months, nine months or until you have benefits to have their teeth cleaned? it piles upWaiting for care creates the need for more cleaning. What happens if you don’t clean your house for a while, or don’t do laundry? It piles up right? It gets harder to take care of becomes a big mess. Don’t create the opportunity for small conditions to become irreversible. Avoiding your cleaning affects your overall health.

At Embrace Dental Hygiene I make your recommendation for an appropriate cleaning interval based on your individual needs. You may need one appointment or more. I want to help you keep your teeth for life. I want to help prevent any disease or decay from occurring. I also want you to be an active participant in your care. You are the one who will ultimately decide on your treatment. I will make every effort to maximize use of your dental insurance if you have any. If not I can work with you to ensure that the cost of your care fits your budget. Prevention is pain free and affordable. Treatment of decay and disease can be painful and expensive. If I can help you prevent conditions that increase your risk for tooth loss and oral disease you will be happier and healthier.

How Often Should You Have Your Teeth Cleaned? 

That depends on your individual needs. Each person is just a little different. Come on in let’s find out how I can support you in a state of health.

Regular Preventative Dental Care May Help Diagnose Cancer

Early detection of oral cancer greatly increases your chances of recovery. Every appointment at Embrace Dental Hygiene includes an oral cancer screening. I work in collaboration with other health care professionals and make referrals if the need occurs. More frequent visits mean I can identify issues before they are difficult to treat. I can intervene with tips or habit modifications that may prevent problems from occurring. The symptoms of dental issues may be subtle or absent altogether making regular professional assessment even more important.

Don’t wait! Book your dental cleaning at Embrace Dental Hygiene today. 519-736-1100 or email [email protected].

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter and get my Top 10 Tips For a Healthier Whiter Smile FREE.

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Your Oral Health

Your Oral Health —A Public Health Issue

Article: Dental Hygiene Canada Website


The World Health Organization defines oral health as being free of chronic mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral sores, birth defects such as cleft lip and palate, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay and tooth loss, and other diseases and disorders that affect the mouth and oral cavity.

Oral disease

  • Oral diseases are among the most prevalent chronic diseases.
  • They include tooth decay and gum diseases that can lead to pain and tooth loss.
  • Oral cancer leads to pain, tooth loss and premature death if not detected early on.
  • Oral diseases—once considered localized infections—are now associated with other diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.1
  • Oral disease and pain can have a significant negative impact on your ability to learn, work, socialize, speak and eat foods that you need.

Did You Know?

  • You can’t be healthy without good oral health.
  • Tooth decay is the most common disease of childhood—decay in children’s primary teeth predicts future decay in adult teeth.
  • Tooth decay can continue throughout your lifetime.
    In some areas in Canada, dental procedures under general anesthesia are the most common surgical procedures that children receive in hospitals.2
  • Canadians spend 13 billion dollars a year on oral health care, diseases, and injuries that are almost all preventable. In terms of costs associated with disease categories, oral health care follows cardiovascular disease and exceeds costs for respiratory disease and cancer.3,6
  • About 32% of Canadians have no dental insurance and this number increases with age.(4)
  • If you smoke, drink alcohol excessively, or have diabetes, then your chances of developing gum diseases are higher. Smoking, alcohol consumption and oral sex also increase your risk for oral cancer.
  • Limited income and education are risk factors for high rates of oral disease.
  • Government spending on oral health has decreased from 11% in 1984 to 8% in 2011, resulting in a greater cost for the individual. 5,6

What Can Each of Us Do?

  • Public health solutions for oral diseases are most effective when they are integrated with other chronic diseases and with national public health programs7.
  • Oral disease and injuries are preventable. Take control of your oral health with a healthy diet, daily personal oral hygiene and visits to your oral health professional. When playing sports wear a sports mouth guard.
  • Join your local dental professionals and advocate for public investments in oral health promotion and disease prevention programs such as school screenings, dental sealants, water fluoridation and injury prevention, and support increased public funding for vulnerable populations.


  1. Lux, J. Review of the Oral Disease—Systemic Disease Link. Part I and II. Canadian Journal Of Dental Hygiene, Nov-Dec 2006, Vol. 40(6): 288-342 and Jan-Feb, 2007 Vol. 41(1): 8-21.
  2. British Columbia. Provincial health officer’s annual report 1997. Victoria: Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors; 1998. p. 92.
  3. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is: The Future of Dental Care in Canada. CCPA. April 2011.
  4. Health Canada: Summary Report on the Findings of the Oral Health Component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007 2009. Ottawa, Ontario: Publications Health Canada; 2010
  5. Canadian Institute for Health Information. Exploring the 70/30 split: how Canada’s health care system is financed. Ottawa: CIHI; 2005.
  6. Canadian Institutes for Health Information. National Health Expenditure: 1975 to 2011. Ottawa: CIHI; 2011
  7. Petersen PE (2008) WHO global policy for improvement of oral health. International Dental Journal 58(3): 115-121

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