What does your tongue say about your health? Embrace Dental Hygiene

healthy tongue healthy bodyWhat Does Your Tongue Say About You

What’s in a tongue? It’s a very important organ. It facilitates speech, eating and drinking, and other things 🙂 Your tongue, believe it or not, says a lot about your health. It requires regular professional assessment and care just like you. There are healthcare practitioners who use the tongue to provide a diagnosis of health conditions. Click here to read. what your tongue says about your health by Ayurveda Life.

Know Your Tongue and Your Child’s

If you are any way interested in participating in your own health and your families it pays to be proactive. Justick out your tonguest like we need to do other health assessments and have healthy habits I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with what your tongue looks like. Stand in the mirror stick it out, move it from side to side says aaahhh. Know what your normal is. Are you a mama or a caregiver? Do the same with your children or aging family members. But what should it look like? Feel like? Your tongue should be evenly pink with a very thin transparent white coating. There should be no lumps or bumps or irregularities. It should also be moist. It should move freely within your mouth and not be overly restricted at the tip (this indicates tongue ties). If a change occurs or you see something strange you know it right away and can seek help from a professional.

Tongue Assessment at Embrace Dental Hygiene

Every health care practitioner when they have the opportunity to work with a client is in the unique position to use their knowledge and skill set to help that person reach a new level of health. It’s a wonderful place to be in:) When I see a client man, woman or child a part of their assessment always includes an examination of their tongue. I’ll actually pull it out, look under it and palpate it. I’m looking for color, shape, coating etc.. All of these things help me determine your oral health status. It may also point me to existing deficiencies in your diet like dehydration or vitamin deficiencies. I can also detect possible oral cancers, existing infections or a tongue tie and make an appropriate referral. There are obvious visual cues for me to help you care for your tongue and be healthier.

Tongue Care

I’ve always advocated brushing your tongue as part of your daily hygiene routine. Your tongue accumulates bacteria and stain. Just like your teeth. Brush all the way back…far tongue scraper tongue cleanerenough to activate the gag reflex. Oh Ya that will wake you up! Your gag reflex also stimulates other biological processes like salivation and metabolism;) Normal stain and debris should brush away. If it doesn’t talk to your healthcare professionals to ensure there isn’t something bigger going on. Yellow, white or black stain can indicate problems. For some brushing may not be enough or a tooth brush may not be easy to use for this job. Some people have deep fissures or longer papilla. There is a dedicated tool available to help you clean your tongue. It’s called a tongue scraper. There are many versions available. Find one that suits your habits and lifestyle. The one pictured on the right has a simple effective design and is easily cleaned or sterilized. Most natural health or Ayurvedic practitioners will recommend tongue scraping as a daily ritual.

Do you have tongue questions? Questions about keeping your mouth and you healthy? Please get in touch 519-736-1100 or email [email protected]. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to stay informed and get your FREE copy of Top 10 Tips to a Healthier Whiter Smile.




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